Thank you for visiting the Wisconsin AIHA local section website. If you would like to become a member of our local section please fill the information out at the bottom of the page. Below is the up coming in-person meetings. Again, welcome to our little industrial hygienist community in Wisconsin!!
Industrial hygiene is a field that safeguards worker health by identifying and mitigating workplace hazards. In Wisconsin, this discipline has evolved in tandem with the state's industrial history, with agencies like the Wisconsin Division of Public Health playing a vital role in promoting safety and setting standards for worker protection. From early manufacturing to modern industries, Wisconsin's industrial hygiene professionals have ensured that workplaces are safe for employees.
Job Postings:
Industrial Hygienist - Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Join the exciting and dynamic Occupational Health team to support the research, education, and outreach mission of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This position will be involved with a vast variety of workplace health and safety issues in a range of settings from offices, farms, laboratories, medical settings, maintenance areas, art studios, etc. Specific campus programs include industrial hygiene assessments and monitoring of indoor air quality, silica, formaldehyde, beryllium, pesticides, animal allergens, noise, anesthetic agents, laboratory chemicals and more! Duties also include fume hood testing, respirator fit testing and collaboration with the Occupational Medicine providers on medical surveillance requirements. Up to one day remote work flexibility.