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The WI AIHA group typically holds 2-3 dinner meetings, an all-day Professional Development Course (PDC), and one summer picnic in Lake Mills, WI. Please see the list below of upcoming and past events. Click on the register button if you would like to participate. 


By: Mike Mccoy, CIH

Ototoxins are present in the occupational environment as solvents, metals, and asphyxiants across numerous industries. When ototoxin exposures is combined with occupational noise, ototoxins can lead to significant hearing loss, sometimes of greater impact than noise exposure alone. In this presentation we’ll discuss the macro and micro anatomy of the ear, major ototoxic compounds, the ACGIH “OTO” designation, synergism and potentiation of ototoxins and discuss the recent scientific literature which provides insight into best industrial hygiene practice for managing ototoxin exposure. We’ll also discuss some control strategies and best practices for employee health protection in environments where both occupational noise and ototoxins are present.

4:00 to 5:00 pm Board Meeting
5:00 to 6:00 pm Social Hour/ Networking 6:00 to 7:00 pm Dinner
7:00 to 8:30 pm Program

Delafield Brewhaus
3832 Hillside Drive
Delafield, WI 53018


Date & Time:
Wednesday February 19, 2024



Mr. McCoy is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Diplomate of the American Board of Toxicology (DABT) with 16 years of experience in the exposure sciences. Mr. McCoy is an industrial hygiene and toxicology professional with specific strengths in occupational and environmental exposure reconstruction, historical exposure assessment, and complex industrial hygiene evaluations.


April 4th, 2025


Enhance your expertise at our Professional Development Conference focusing on Derivation of OELs and Exposure Banding. Earn CEU credits for CIH certification. Stay ahead in environmental health with Wisconsin AIHA.

Location: UW Whitewater


Wisconsin AIHA Section

Thank you for considering our organization!

Please send message with any further contact information. Section leadership changes often, so please request the person's name or board member title you are requiring contact information for. 

Thanks for submitting!

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